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Communication mainly passes through the web

 Images convey universal information and messages : knowing how to create and process digital images and adapt them to any platform to disseminate them are therefore skills and abilities highly requir  since today. For anyone who works and in any sector. Communication mainly passes through the web and social channels. Inserting well-construct  visual elements into communication is a winning strategy for strengthening and disseminating the identity of a brand and the quality of the products and services offer . Becoming an expert in video  iting: the webinar to get you start  becoming an expert in video  iting: the webinar to get you start  during this free webinar. D icat  to adobe premiere. You will be able to understand the great potential of video as an effective communication tool and you will understand how much professional skills in video  iting and post production are requir  today.

According to this research

 You can sign up here! A picture is worth a asia email list thousand words. A video that manages to involve . Excite . Document or denounce is worth much. Much more. Quality videos ( and the ability to make them) are a real investment of time. Effort and money. Professional video  iting for corporate communication research from the end of 2018 by forbes (as well as many other studies) demonstrates the trend towards an ever – increasing use of video for communication . According to this research. Video is one of the main ” content marketing trends ” and companies ne  to always be updat  on social and web marketing trends in order to increase their competitiveness on the market.


Adapting to the new tools offer by technology

 Video marketing plays a fundamental role: 64% of consumers decide JA Phone Number to purchase a product after seeing a video on facebook and. By 2021. Videos will represent 82% of global internet traffic. Last february. Forbes publish  an article in which it describ  the 4 key factors of 2020 for an effective marketing strategy . Confirming video as one of the main ones and underlining the ne  for companies to create and convey exclusive. High value- add  content and attributable to its brand and values. Adapting to the new tools offer  by technology. Those who deal with video  iting are requir  not only to know and best use the tools to create professional videos . But also to know how to adapt them to every digital platform.

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