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Finnish online banks cannot be integrated

I recommend starting at least three months before the start of online course sales. And specifically from the point that you first get either Checkout or Paytrail merchant IDs and only then start building the online store and the course platform. Use two months to build the online store and course platform and one month to test sales. Make sure in good time that everything is working before you start selling the course to customers. ** Checkout will merge with Paytrail in October 2021. Vault Holvi is a company founded in Helsinki in 2011, whose main focus is on ease and speed. Holvi is a business account on top of which an online store is built. For entrepreneurs, freelancers and even bloggers, Holvi acts as an excellent partner in the sale of products and services. Through Holvi, you can make and send invoices, pay salaries, put products and services on sale, and best of all, you speed up the sending of accounting printouts to the accountant.


After the purchase, the money is immediately in your Holvi account

where it can be used for card purchases, for example. I tried Holvi in 2016. I sold both e-books and online training through it . The vault worked well and there were no technical challenges. Best of all, through Holvi, your customers can buy with their own online banking credentials. From the point of view of a digital entrepreneur, Holvi also works to a certain extent in the sale of online training. However, this requires a bit of advance planning to avoid unpleasant surprises. Planning should already start with the form in which you special data will deliver the online course to the student. Here are some tips. 1. The price of the online course should be less than 50 euros The more valuable the coaching is, the more time is spent on the decision to purchase online courses.

I can’t give you a 100% exact amount, but based on two years of experience

I believe that the limit is around 50 euros. This means that if you offer an online course whose price is more than 50 euros, your customer will have to think longer about whether it is worth buying the course. Making a purchase decision for courses under 50 euros is faster. Of course, many other things influence the decision to buy, but we’ll talk about them in another post. 2. How does the student get access to the course material after purchase? The challenging thing is JA Phone Number that it is not possible to automate the student’s transfer to the course platform 100%. So you have to do some manual work. After the purchase, the student will receive a receipt in his email.

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