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Production and recurring sharing of content

It is worth remembering that there are 4 essential aspects in a strategy:

  • Objectives and KPIs: what you aim to achieve with your content strategy and what metrics will indicate your results (a suggestion here is to choose metrics that can lead to actions).
  • Buyer persona: the fictional profile that represents the ideal customer for your business.
  • Mapping your main keywords: which words represent your persona’s interests and whether they are essential to your business.
  • Editorial calendar: the calendar for organizing your publications, with channels and dates where each content will be published.

Corporate blog ready to receive publications

Creating a blog is a very simple task gcash data production and recurring sharing, and an essential element in your strategy. Ultimately, it is the space where your content will be published and then disseminated. As a key element in the strategy, it needs to be ready to be shared and appreciated by your audience.

In addition to that, you should pay attention to some important points that can impact your results, such as:

  • The blog should follow your company’s identity and relate to your audience. Creating something that is out of step with your image or what your persona expects may seem strange.
  • Make your blog responsive . Today, more than 85% of people consume content via their smartphones, and not having a responsive blog can be detrimental to part of your audience.
  • You need to have a fast page load. People consume content on their smartphones exactly because of the convenience and speed it provides, and slowing down the loading process prevents exactly that.

In the following form you can download our complete guide production and recurring sharing to Corporate Blogs, in which you will find relevant information to create your blog.

The core of any content strategy is the content itself, but not only that! It is the content being produced and disseminated on a recurring and consistent basis.

It is no coincidence that companies that produce 13 or more pieces of content per month generate up to 4.2 times more visits, according to Content Trends, a research we do every year.

So, following the schedule established in your previously constructed editorial calendar, maintain the periodicity respecting your productive capacity, but maintaining at least one weekly publication.

To produce high-quality content, there are well-defined guidelines and good practices, which we present to you in this free e-book.

Relevant traffic

With your strategy defined and content published and disseminated production and recurring sharing, it’s time to go after the last aspect on this list, which is relevant traffic.

This may seem like a bit of a complex definition, but it is actually very easy to understand.

Look closely: as soon as we start our publications, it is common that we want to share them with everyone and have people visit our blog.

This means that, in many cases, the first visits end up being those of your collaborators or even friends and family.

And even though these people are accessing the content and helping to spread it, many times they are not the people we want to communicate with.

Therefore, this relevant traffic is generated only when your company manages to obtain access from users who have your profile. And there is no minimum amount to say that your traffic is relevant or not, since it varies according to the market.

The important thing here is that you start receiving these accesses to validate that your content is in line with the public’s desire.

And you can support that by using the two main marketing tools that will be at your side from now on: Google Analytics and Google Search Console production and recurring sharing.

So, when you have mastered all these criteria, you are in our first phase. It is time to prepare to transform your blog into a…

Phase 2: Traffic Machine

So you’ve mastered the basics of your marketing strategy, you’ve got consistent posts and visitors coming in constantly, right? Then it’s time to get ready to add new challenges to keep those visitors coming back for more and more.

Completing the requirements of this phase means creating a relationship structure with your audience.

Mastering the art of traffic acquisition, generating constant visits production and recurring sharing to your content and using the blog as an initial contact acquisition channel.

And to reach this stage, it is enough to meet the following criteria:

Be active on social media

Today, nearly 94% of companies are present on social media, and 64% of them consider social media to be very important in their strategy. And not for just any reason!

Being present on social media today is essential for any company that wants to engage with its audience, not to mention that they are an excellent way to spread your content, exactly to those people who want to receive it.

Knowing this importance, it is important to be present in the places where your potential customers are, interacting with them and sharing the content published on the blog on a regular basis, further increasing its reach.

Access this complete guide to social media to see in detail how they production and recurring sharing fit into a Content Marketing strategy.

Social media kit

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CTA’s for email capture

With your blog generating consistent traffic (either through social media or organically) and attracting a good volume of visitors, it’s time to give visitors the opportunity to sign up, so they receive the relevant content they’re looking for.

Therefore, you need to create email registration boxes for your visitors on your blog, inviting them to subscribe so they stay within your publications.

CTAs have various purposes, from downloading some material to asking the user to leave a comment. But the most interesting thing here is that you get the email of that user, which is the start of direct communication between you .

Defined email strategy to engage your contacts

Email is a great relationship tool, used by more than 77%  production and recurring sharingof companies, and for 2 very simple reasons:

  • low cost;
  • possibility of nurturing and developing relationships with clients through direct contact.

Therefore, this powerful marketing channel is all you need to start a long and beautiful relationship with your potential customers.

So, with people deliberately signing up to 22 profitable business ideas for bangalore your blog to receive emails with your content, it’s time to give them what they want.

All you need to do now is build and implement at least one email marketing strategy, not only to connect with these contacts, but also to ensure that they return to your blog and stay informed about your latest posts.

This email strategy can vary greatly from company to company, but we like to recommend 2 simple strategies that usually generate optimal results:

Welcome flow

Spam is anything that a person does not want to receive in their inbox, or that they wanted and now no longer want.

To avoid this kind of thing, we recommend creating an email list sequence from the moment the person registers on your blog.

In this second sequence, you can present your company’s production and recurring sharing proposal, say what types of content the person can expect and how often they will receive it.


The newsletter is your company’s periodic antarctica business directory newsletter (it can be weekly, biweekly or monthly). In this newsletter, it is interesting to share the main content produced in that period.

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