When building your team today, you need to be aware that you also need people who will support your brand in its development. You need someone you can call a brand manager.
A brand manager is a person who will manage the brand and its communication. If necessary, such a person will also coordinate the work of the necessary specialists – toolmakers, copywriters, graphic designers, etc.
How to hire a brand manager?
It’s best to become one yourself. Because brand management is a key topic for the survival of a company.e However, if you don’t have the talent, you have to reach out to the job market and start looking there.
You can also try to use a brand manager in poland telegram data the form of remote cooperation. However, I would call this a temporary solution.
In the long term, however, it is worth striving to develop competencies within the organization. This approach provides the greatest stability and ultimately gives the greatest value over time. You can acquire the competencies needed to be a brand scott reid owner manager from many sources. One such source may be specialist training, for example: Pillars of a Strong Brand.
Remember: no matter how strong your business is, it is only because of the sum of the efforts of the people working in it.
III. Three Elements of Business Growth – Technology .
The third element is technology. In 2019, it is thanks to technology that people employed in companies can increase their personal productivity. It is thanks to the right technology that companies are now able to do things that were previously reserved for the big players or even impossible.
Technology is key because of its immense value in enabling increased efficiency. You can’t hope that your business will grow without obstacles if the technology used in your business stagnates. If you are not investing in acquiring and using technology in your business, you can be sure that your main competition is not neglecting it.
Technology can also be considered part of your company’s offering: functionality that makes your customers work more efficiently. This is the model adopted by companies that provide SAAS (soft as a service) software.
Technology will be essential to us in conducting marketing activities. Absolutely essential for the success of the brand and increasing jpb directoryb its sales power is the ability to use research, analytical, advertising and technological tools to create content .
Without the use of technology in marketing, there is no chance of staying afloat in the long term.
Progress in this area is happening very quickly and those business owners who think they still have a few years before they get serious about it are making a huge mistake that could cost them market share.
The Three Elements of Business Growth – What happens when we have the brand and we have the people, but we lack the technology?
In such a case, there will be a problem with the scalability of activities in the fields that technology supports. For example: when we have a brand, people, but we still operate analogue, this creates a problem with the scalability of communication/advertising activities. In other words: the entire burden of delivering value, communicating, promoting the brand and evangelizing the advantages of the business lies physically on the people employed in this company. On their ability to physically reach the recipients.
For example, thanks to the technology that enables live broadcasting on Facebook and YouTube , my wife, I, and invited guests conducted over 50 broadcasts over the course of a year (each broadcast lasting about 60 minutes), which in total had about 700,000 minutes of exposure on both channels and a huge number of viewers watching our program.
For comparison, when in 2007 I wanted potential clients to see me and what I had to offer them, I had to go to them first. In my best week for sales, I had the opportunity to conduct only 5 conversations. Today, summing up our entire communication activity, our posts (video, blog, social media posts, mailing ) reach tens of thousands of people in a week. Generating us a constant supply of leads and ultimately clients for our consulting and training services, thanks to which we can run our business in complete comfort and support our clients in their development.