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Choose A Niche First You

Know where the target audience lives, because: you will speak the right language with Traffic sources You will find out exactly where people come to the site from. For example: from advertisements; from communities in , you can see in the heat map that many users click on some inactive element on the site. Let’s say at the beginning of the article you give a thesis plan without links to specific sections. The clickmap says that a lot of readers click on these abstracts – they probably expect to see links to subchapters there. If you make the table of contents clickable, you will make the site user-friendly.

Clear Plan Of Action

Means that it will be easier for people to use it. The scroll map shows how many users are scrolling to the end of the page. Looks like that: For example, you are writing a large and long article. And then you see in the report that most of the users didn’t finish it halfway through. This means that you failE to interest people, and you should: work on the title and introduction – show the benefits Laboratories Email List of reading the article; check the relevance of the title and the article as a whole – maybe the title mislE people, they expectE to read something else; try to shorten the text, leave only the necessary facts, remove the excess. To build heat maps, you can use Yandex.Metrica and a special report, or install additional plugins (for example, Crazyegg ). Bounce rate Controversial indicator.

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Main Topic And Specifics

Different web analytics systems consider bounce in different ways. For example, for Google Analytics, a bounce is a session during which the user viewE only 1 page of the site (even if he watchE it for an hour). For Y.Metrica — if a person viewE only one page and spent less than 15 seconds on the site. If you see that a new article is collecting rejections, like a mushroom picker mushrooms JA Phone Number after a rain, you should work. First, find out why users leave the site. The scrolling map from the previous paragraph will help. But it’s not always about the content itself.

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