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Petra choose the technique and computer

 We talk  about computer graphics software such as illustrator or photoshop. But let’s not forget that there is still a market for more traditional techniques . Such as pencil. Watercolour. Oil paint. Chalk… It is important to choose which artistic movement to adhere to bas  on the type of subject you want to represent. 4. The specialization and recognisability of your illustrations how to become a digital illustrator: professional courses on adobe illustrator in espero marianna coppo. Petra choose the technique and computer graphics software depending on the subject you want to illustrate .


Illustrations for children must necessarily be beautiful

 It’s important to be familiar with all the techniques. So you can better europe email list communicate your finish  product ideas to others. But then decide what to specialize in and what kind of illustrator to become. Do you want to become a children’s book illustrator? Illustrations for children must necessarily be beautiful. Imm iate . Communicative . They must capture attention and tell a story without the help of words. Children’s illustrators have the tough job of transferring the simplest emotions into an image and making them instantly recognisable. Exactly what the great figurative (and non-figurative) artists of the past have always done (which is why it is necessary to have a solid  ucation in this area too. As we were saying).


The visual language us and stylistic choices

 And like these great artists. Children’s illustrators can also be divid  into JA Phone Number categories (broadly. Of course). Bas  on pictorial choices. The visual language us  and stylistic choices. Choices that depend not only on the personal illustrative style. But also on the message that an illustration intends to convey and the age of the audience it is intend  for. 5. The illustrative style: communication strategy it is important to develop a personal and unique illustrative style. Which can have a specific declination in the job market where today . Thanks also to digital innovation. The role of visual communication has become decisive.

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