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Elizabeth Menkalinan

Ating and ratings of the service when searching by company name. Neural networks and smart camera With the new update, the photo recognition function has been adde. Now, by pointing the camera at an object, you can determine the brand, the names of animals, plants, or find a product on the Internet with prices and links to the store. This feature is available in the Yandex. In addition, when loading any picture from the phone’s gallery, neural networks will determine what is shown on it and give brief information about the object or subject. In order for this method to work and images from your site to get into the search results, you nee to add several photos for products, as well as set up micro data.

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Afety Now Yandex is more effective in fighting fraudsters, preventing them from getting hold of users’ payment information. Resources that try to take over bank details under the guise of online stores are remove from the search results. Cybersecurity in e-commerce: how business owners can protect themselves from hackers Cyber security in e-commerce: how Buy Bulk SMS Service business owners can protect themselves from hackers E-commerce cybercrime has double in 2020, according to Freight Waves. Every year, fraudsters attack online stores 9.09% more often. Elizabeth Chekalina SEO how to conduct a full technical audit of websites and solve any technical issues of our clients. Can identify the most non- correctly explain what is wrong and how to fix it.

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Obvious Problems

Percentage of hacker attacks is only growing due to the pandemic and the active access of organizations to the network. As a result, both businesses and consumers suffer. The former lose their reputation JA Phone Number and income due  to cybercrime, the latter lose control over accounts and online banking. How companies recognize a hacker attack and protect themselves from criminal intrigues – we will talk about this in the article.

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