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6 Marketing Lessons from Comic Con

Earlier this month, san diego, california hosted a four day event that was attended by over 130,000 visitors.

Over the course of four days, the san diego convention. Center was filled with everything from movie stars to space. Aliens; of course I’m talking about the 2015 san diego comic-con. Looking past all the fans, costumes, and makeup, this massive. Culmination of comic book and science fiction enthusiasts is a place. Where specialized businesses of all shapes and sizes gather together and showcase their unique products.

Having a prime booth location in a convention where thousands. Of people walk by your business day after day is a great opportunity to gain new customers.

However, in such a large convention, your booth is competing for attention. What is going to make people stop walking, look at your product, and make a purchase? The answer might not be as difficult as you would think.

Search engine land columnist gregg gifford was lucky

Enough to attend this year’s san diego comic-con and take part in the fan frenzy four day festival. While at the event, gifford visited hundreds telephone list of different booths and noticed that many of the local businesses were failing to connect with their customers 6 Marketing Lessons because of simple marketing practices. In his recent article, gifford points out different marketing mishaps at the 2015 comic-con and provides six tips for businesses to make sure they are delivering the right information to possible customers.

Comic con might not be the first place businesses

Besides comic book stores would think to look at for marketing advice, but if we look at the similarities between comic-con and events like 6 Marketing Lessons trade shows, the insights can provide valuable marketing takeaways for any business.

Comic-con, like trade shows, are a JA Phone Number chance for businesses to speak, in person, to their target audience. The people who attend conventions and expos are the people willing to take the time and learn more about your business or product. Making sure you stand out in the crowd and give your customers the right information could lead to new and profitable business.

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