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7 Helpful Tips to Avoid Cell Phone Dependency

7 Helpful Tips to I’m sure you’ve witnessed it – you sit down in a nice restaurant and see a group of people huddled around another table with their heads down fully immersed in their phones. Or, imagine a group of students “hanging out.” each one is texting, taking selfies, or checking social media. Maybe you’ve even participated in one of these groups at some point.

As of this year, more than 73% of americans claim to have at least one social media account. Yet, for all this connectivity, a growing body of research suggests that we have never been lonelier. In a march 2015 report, the number of patients diagnosed with depression increases by 20% each year. According to the american foundation for suicide prevention, someone in american attempts suicide every 12.95 minutes.

Population with a social network profile from 2008 to 2015

If that’s not alarming enough, we are so consumed with ourselves and our mobile devices that the word “selfie” is now a word recognized by the merriam-webster dictionary and the selfie stick is one of the hottest items on the market today. As a phone number lists country, we are obsessed with capturing every moment of our existence, but we end up witnessing life’s most precious moments through the screens of our cell phones.
The good news is that with awareness and effort, we can counter the loneliness. Here is a list of helpful tips to avoid becoming glued to your cell phone.

When you sit down with a group of friends, have a “no phone zone” and put all devices away for a specified amount of time. Start with 30 minutes and see how much more you will learn about each other.

Have a tech free night with your family

Don’t sleep in the same room as your devices. Leave the phones, computers, and tablets on the kitchen counter. Research shows that people sleep better and wake up more refreshed just by making this one small change.
Reach out and do something unexpected JA Phone Number for someone. One random act of kindness will have a significant impact on the recipient and on you.
Ask a friend to meet you, in person, for a weekly coffee or a drink at the same location and same time. Then leave your phone in your purse/pocket for the entire conversation.

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