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My Next Stage The Big Boy Job

For some of us, myself included, we find joy in learning new things and simply doing. Working two jobs, attending college full-time, and interning probably isn’t ideal for most. However, it may be that apparent ambition, ability to multitask and handle stress that become what lands that first big boy job. As a student, one should never be afraid of failure. My Next Stage The  Take them as learning opportunities. Failures allow you to learn what not to do. Welcoming failure will allow you to grow as an individual and mature as a young adult. You learn to not be disappointed but to be optimistic. It is highly unlikely that you will be the next bill gates at age 18 right out of high school. He surely made a few mistakes in his lifetime, but holding yourself to unrealistic standards will only lead to disappointment.

I have set standards for myself that I believe are attainable. Taking full advantage of a failure is something I have come accustom to. I learned from each experience and applied everything I learned to my current position. Beginning my journey at keymedia solutions is pretty exciting! Advertising and marketing are two things that really intrigue me, and I appreciate the diversity that comes with the job. I may only be the “intern,” for now. However, only time can tell what or who I will grow into. Who knows, maybe they’ll keep me around after april! We shall see.

Wow another year has concluded and a fresh

Over the past four years, the keymedia team has seen continued growth and had the pleasure of increased travel for both business and pleasure. My Next Stage The  In 2014, destinations include france, the dominic republic, canada, texas, california, new york, wyoming, north dakota, alaska, florida, iowa, utah, and all over the great state of south dakota.

We added paul to the team in free telemarketing leads december of 2013. Paul is originally from brazil and is making an impact on the continued growth of the business. In may 2014, we expanded our team again with the addition of chris. Chris brings a great attitude and various forms of marketing experience to the team.

2014 saw growth for our clients as well. One example while working with a client on a public service campaign. Challenged with helping an agency reduce the cases of mover fraud, keymedia developed an aggressive 8-week campaign targeting americans preparing to hire a moving service.

With a combined effort of channel contextual

Search remarketing, search engine marketing, and social media, we saw click-through rates grow more than 10x the national average and JA Phone Number tracked My Next Stage The  more than 6,000 on-site conversions. The campaign exceeded the client’s expectations and goals; as a result they extended the effort for another year.

Keymedia solutions will be expanding again in 2015, by adding additional staff and moving into a new office building in the very near future. Business, as well as life, is an adventure.

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