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5 Lessons From A Motorcycle

A few years ago, my husband and I bought our first motorcycle. 5 Lessons From With two grown-up children living independently, and only two more years to the “empty nest,” we had decided we needed something for the two of us. Plus, spending $600 per month less in groceries now that the older kids were no longer on our tab, we could afford it.

I’ll openly admit that I was pretty leery of the bike in the beginning. For the first full year, I wouldn’t ride with my husband, but, eventually, I did and we’ve had some amazing adventures ever since. This past weekend, for example, we participated in the 3rd annual neil epp memorial poker run: a 250+ mile poker run around the countryside. While riding through rural south dakota, I had plenty of time to ponder life’s questions and explore how the experience of riding a motorcycle has created a deeper sense of self-awareness in me.

On a bike and in life we all need balance

That doesn’t mean life without detours, but if you slow down, lean into the curves, and watch for the right signs, you’ll find your way safely through to the other side.

don’t judge by appearance
It’s often the biggest, burliest, leather clad dude that is the most generous, kind, and compassionate. I have often witnessed the “scariest” looking guys brought to tears by the story of a child they’re riding for. They open their hearts and checkbooks without hesitation.

There’s so much beauty all around us, but we phonelist often don’t take time to enjoy it. I would like to challenge you to take a saturday – leave the piles of laundry and mowing for another day – and find a new community, a garden, or small town. Stop in to the establishment and talk to the locals; you’ll be amazed at the interesting people you’ll meet and what you’ll learn. You don’t need a motorcycle to do it either.

4 some things are out of my control

I can be as safe and cautious as humanly possible, but it only takes one distracted driver to cause me to crash. That shouldn’t stop you from trying JA Phone Number something new as long as you to pay close attention to your surroundings.

It will take a bit longer, but the ride is just more fun.

With the holiday weekend coming up, I want to wish everyone a happy 4th. And always remember – rain happens; even on perfectly clear days when it’s not in the forecast, but as long as you’re prepared, have your rain gear handy, it won’t ruin the day. Ride on, my friends.

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