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Each page should have a unique title and a meta description

You have a new website. It’s beautiful, it’s interactive, it’s your baby. You want to show it off, to tell your story. I don’t blame you. I want you to do the same, but what’s next? How do you make sure shoppers are finding your website? They need to know how beautiful your new site is. They need to read your message, to know your story.

Today, I want to help give your site an edge up; a little attention to seo (search engine optimization) can make a large impact. By using simple seo tactics, you’re able to Each page should improve your ranking in search engines which will help people find your website faster.

Search engine watch recently posted a simple seo checklist that provides a roadmap for checking your website to ensure it has the necessary information for search engine rankings and results. Here are a few suggestions from the list:

Your website url should always remain short while.

providing relevant and descriptive content

Page source: each page should have a unique title and a meta description that is brief, but contains at least one critical keyword.

Page content: double check to make sure all links and social share buttons within the site are working properly. Always proofread the content how to buy bulk phone numbers Each page should  for spelling and grammatical errors.

Media: make sure all images have proper alt tags.

By following this checklist, you’ll be on your way to making it visible on search engines and to your customers. And of course, if you need a hand, we’re always here to help.

You don’t need to sacrifice your beautiful website to make it seo friendly; there’s a happy balance that’ll allow you be found because of the beauty and story.

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Like dholakiya, wolverton of business 2 community tells organizations to check their site at least once a week to see how different changes impact keywords, impressions and clicks for those keywords.

All of this information can be found JA Phone Number on Each page should  webmaster tools’ sidebar menu. Go to the umbrella category, “Search traffic,” then go to “Search queries.” be sure to check the number of impressions vs. The number of clicks. If you notice a sharp downward trend following an algorithm update, make sure you determine the specific problem and clean up your content, ensuring that your website offers relevant information and is easily navigable.

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