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What a Beautiful Voice You Have

Because the irish author, james joyce, was nearly blind, he wrote. The majority of the novel, finnegan’s wake, laying on his back, in bed, with. A blue crayon. John steinbeck, author of many classic novels including of mice and men. Would always What a Beautiful keep exactly 12 sharpened pencils at his desk. While writing. Whether it was because of medical reasons or superstition, these famous writers were able. To compose some of the most influential literature of all time.

You may not be writing a novel, but there are important lessons. We can learn from history’s best authors about. Writing in today’s technological environment.

In an earlier blog post, I discussed the importance of quality. Content for the purpose of business expansion. This week. I’m revisiting the topic in a two part series explaining how businesses can. Tackle the issue of producing influential content from scratch.

Part one will outline the meaning of audience, writing with voice and tone, and how. Each theme can be used as a tool to create engaging content for businesses.

An audience is made up of individuals whom are the target

Different businesses have different audiences. Competition is created when audiences between businesses begin to overlap. In this case, the business with the most effective and focused editorials will produce the most engagement with the individuals in that particular audience.

The above list are examples of different forms of editorials businesses often send out to either influence audience participation or communicate with clients. It’s important to understand that different editorials can be used to target different audience members.

I won’t get into the importance of each particular editorial in this blog, but if you are interested in learning more about the impact of social media, blogs, or quality content check out some of these blogs.

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How to define your audience
Editorials are tools to reach your audience, but telephonelists.biz reviews certain editorials will resonate more with certain individuals. Making this connection becomes the next step in discovering your audience. Before we move on, I want to make it clear that one business may have more than one audience.

Pew research center conducted a survey

Knowing these percentages, a home furniture store could utilize pinterest to post pictures of home décor that would interest female buyers. This would produce more engagement with the businesses’ female audience.

If we continue this example, our JA Phone Number home furniture store does some research and finds in an article, blog readership demographics – investigating the world’s top blogs, finding that 25-35 age group are the most active readers of the world’s most popular blogs. Another study, the average age of first-time home buyers, says that the average age of a first-time home buyer is 31-34 years old.

Using this data, our home furniture store puts a blog page on their website, which discusses new styles of furniture and affordable options for young adults looking to decorate their homes.

In this example, the home furniture store has taken multiple steps to target and engage with specific audiences.

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